SCHRACK: Lighting Solutions 2015

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Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

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Poznámky redaktora
ELECTRONIC BALLAST HID, 35W Voltage Consumption Ignition Length Width HeightVoltage Consumption Ignition Length Width Height DescriptionDescription ACin Consumption Specification factor voltage Item no. 230~ 230~ 230~ 230~ VG EEI=A2EEI=A2 VG EEI=A2EEI=A2 VG EEI=A2EEI=A2 VG EEI=A2EEI=A2 150W 35W 70W . Electronic ballast HID 35W 230V 35W ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 0,95Electronic ballast HID 35W 230V 35W ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 0,95 kv 12,9 7,6 3,2 0,2412,9 7,6 3,2 0,24 LI470360LI470360 Electronic ballast HID 70W 230V 70W ta: 50°C/tc: 75°C 0,98Electronic ballast HID 70W 230V 70W ta: 50°C/tc: 75°C 0,98 LI470370LI470370 Electronic ballast HID 150W 230V 150W ta: 50°C/tc: 85°C 0,98Electronic ballast HID 150W 230V 150W ta: 50°C/tc: 85°C 0,98 19,1 8,8 3,6 0,53 LI470380LI470380 Flicker-free light. 0,10 ELECTRONIC BALLAST HID, 35W Voltage Consumption Ignition Length Width HeightVoltage Consumption Ignition Length Width Height DescriptionDescription ACin Consumption Specification factor voltage Item no. Extension the lamp’s life span Automatic shutdown case failing missing lamp. 0,11 ELECTRONIC BALLAST HID, 35W, 70W, 150W Voltage Consumption Ignition Length Width Height WeightVoltage Consumption Ignition Length Width Height Weight DescriptionDescription Consumption Specification factor voltage Item no. Secondary connection line length max. used with connection lines only.Consumption Specification factor voltage Item no. Electronic ballast 35W 230VElectronic ballast 35W 230V 35W ta: 55°C/tc: 80°C 0,95ta: 55°C/tc: 80°C 0,95 4,5 24,5 9,4 3,5< 4,5 24,5 9,4 3,5 LI470200LI470200 For all HID lamps 35W. used with connection lines only. Electronic ballast HIT 230VElectronic ballast HIT 230V 20W ta: 50°C/tc: 75°C 0,55ta: 50°C/tc: 75°C 0,55 16,6 3,9 3,0 LI470350LI470350 For HIPAR51, GX10 lamps.Consumption Specification factor voltage Item no.Consumption Specification factor voltage Item no. Secondary connection line length max. Short-circuit-proof. Secondary connection line max. 1,5 used with connection lines only.Consumption Specification factor voltage Item no.734 ACCESSORIES ELECTRONIC BALLAST HID, 20W Voltage Consumption Ignition Length Width HeightVoltage Consumption Ignition Length Width Height Description ACin Consumption Specification factor voltage Item no. 0,62 CONNECTION LINE for HID applications Connection line Ignition-voltage-proof Description Item no. Electronic ballast 35W 230VElectronic ballast 35W 230V 35W ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 0,98ta: 50°C/tc: 70°C 0,98 20,0 4,3 3,9< 20,0 4,3 3,9 LI470361LI470361 Secondary connection line max. For HID lamps 35W. used with connection lines only. Connection line 2,0 LI961062 Note: For HID ballasts SO-2GMH2G-J mm2