Panasonic is part of a large worldwide groupselling relays and associated switching products under different brand names in different territories.The conditions of use in some territories may differ from those customary in Europe. In particular there are often major differences in regard to national and international specifications, such as UL, CSA, VDE, SEV, EVE, SEMKO, etc. Thus, when considering contact loads as stated in this catalogue (e.g. 10 A, 30 VDC for the SP relay) its hould be understood that these values are not necessarily an absolute maximum but tested ratings. Mostly the stated value has been tested for a certain life expectancy as stated by the manufacturer or the respective test house. Thus, under different conditions, the stated “maximum” may, in practice, be safely exceeded.
U are
G ele ctrica insu tio ply.
• stic typ can cle rsion Use lco l-b cle g
solven Use cle lve (e.
• the ard the tio the ard fro m
d rio tin due rro sive and high note the llo . xyle EK, I.
F rth som lve (e.
• lth iro lly the typ stic type etc.g.
2 °F
S rin tim e
W ithin
ap s
Hand soldering
• lease cau tio ith lti-la r
b oards.
• t-c typ flu -re typ relays, since coa tin g
m terial tra and cau ilu the fte r
coa ting.g. ith brush), ss
c cau cle tra the relay. Soldering
5.P the case r
c ica lly isso lve the seal.) can clean ed,
a rsin the into cold liquid (su cle coa tin ria l)
im fte solde ring oing rio the sea lin rfo .
• all (e.
C oatin g
m terial type
S ita ility r
re ys
F s
E oxy-base ood
G ctrica insula tion. fore use.
• the type som coa ting ria have rse ffe relays. Cooling
6. are cut, brea kin coil ire lig stickin g
o the cts due tio cutter.AUTOMOTIVE CAUTIONS FOR USE
S rin iron W
Iro tip
te re
A 0°C 2°F
S rin tim e
W ith in
a prox.
• cle t-c typ flu -re typ rsion . lve t
m case. rich benzyl
a lcoh ol, lin case.
A lth slig tly iffic ply, ffe ct
re con tacts. The peel fro stress. Coating
Automatic soldering
• the tim r
solde ring . coa tin ria carefully.
• lin rio tio the and rro g
p rts due rin heat. are coa sure lly the
fle ility tin terial.
U ltra cle cau coil slig stickin cts
d the ltra ergy.
182 ds_x61_en_relay_technical_information_010113J
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N ote: are lica lease ivid cata log.
S r
te re
A pprox.g.
C ith the boiling thod ltra cle relays.
S ilico ood
S ilico the cau failure.g.
• ls.
Do use silico type.
• the level s
n rflo onto the board.
E ven ttom rfa the ard cle (e.
K eep tip rin iron clean.
• ise cifie r
th llo itio the
typ relay. elay rfo grad e
due high city the se
boards. Cleaning