RELAYS Panasonic

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Panasonic is part of a large worldwide groupselling relays and associated switching products under different brand names in different territories.The conditions of use in some territories may differ from those customary in Europe. In particular there are often major differences in regard to national and international specifications, such as UL, CSA, VDE, SEV, EVE, SEMKO, etc. Thus, when considering contact loads as stated in this catalogue (e.g. 10 A, 30 VDC for the SP relay) its hould be understood that these values are not necessarily an absolute maximum but tested ratings. Mostly the stated value has been tested for a certain life expectancy as stated by the manufacturer or the respective test house. Thus, under different conditions, the stated “maximum” may, in practice, be safely exceeded.

Vydal: Panasonic Electric Works Czech s.r.o. Autor: Panasonic

Strana 179 z 1090

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Poznámky redaktora
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