Radiální elektrolytický kondenzátor KXN

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet  |

Vydal: wittig ELECTRONIC s.r.o. Autor: Nippon Chemi-Con

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47μF:470, 100μF:101) Lead forming·taping code Terminal code Voltage code (ex.0 7.Engineering Bulletin Introductory No. Before the measurement, the capacitor shall preconditioned applying voltage according Item 4.890E/Jul. leakage current (μA), Nominal capacitance (μF), Rated voltage (V) (at 20℃ ) Dissipation Factor (tanδ) Rated voltage (Vdc) 420, 450V (at 20℃ 120Hz) tanδ(Max.Request our product specifications before purchase and/or use.0max.5 18 φd 0. (tanδ) 200% the initial specified value Leakage current 500% the initial specified value φD 12.F. (tanδ) 200% the initial specified value Leakage current The initial specified value Shelf Life The following specifications shall satisfied when the capacitors are restored 20℃ after exposing them for 1,000 hours 105℃ without voltage applied.04CV 100 (at 20℃ after minute) I=0.6 0.5 7.0 5. 2020 105℃ Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Product specifications this bulletin are subject change without notice.) 0. Please use our products based the information contained this bulletin and product specifications.5 (φ10) φ d L' φD' 15min 4min Sleeve(PET:Brown) Vent φ10 ≧ φ12.5 φ18) φ d L' φD' 15min 4min Sleeve(PET:Brown) Vent .5max.5 (φ12.02CV (at 20℃ after minutes) Where, Max. Impedance Ratio) Rated voltage (Vdc) 420, 450V Z(-25℃ Z(+20℃ 6 Z(-40℃ Z(+20℃ (at 120Hz) Endurance The following specifications shall satisfied when the capacitors are restored 20℃ after subjected voltage with the rated ripple current applied (the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage) for the 12,000 hours (10,000 hours for 20L and less) 105℃ .F.24 Low Temperature Characteristics (Max.5 φD' φD+0. NIPPON CHEMI-CON CORPORATION 1963 1 KXNSeries ・Ideal for low profile power supply applications ・Downsizing from KXL series ・Rated voltage range 420, 450Vdc, Nominal capacitance range 180μF ・Endurance with ripple current 10,000 12,000 hours 105℃ ・Non solvent resistant type ・RoHS2 Compliant ◆ SPECIFICATIONS Items Characteristics Category Temperature Range -40 +105℃ Rated Voltage Range 420, 450Vdc Capacitance Tolerance ±20%(M) (at 20℃ 120Hz) Leakage Current I=0. Capacitance change ±20% the initial value D.6 0.1 JIS 5101-4.8 F 5.5 F±0.8 0. 420V:421, 450V:451) Series code Category Gas escape end seal F±0. ◆DIMENSIONS [mm] ●Terminal Code E ◆PART NUMBERING SYSTEM 1 18 E S Supplement code Size code Capacitance tolerance code Capacitance code (ex. Capacitance change ±20% the initial value D. L' L+2