Poznámky redaktora
The QAS disconnectors are nearly maintenance free, with limited demand revisions.D0064.
Diagnostics conducted disconnectors operation:
Highest permitted temperature values:
Contact system ambient air: made from copper: 75°C
- made from silver coated copper: 105°C
Screw-type incoming terminals: made from copper: 90°C
- made from silver coated copper: 105°C
Once three years recommended carry out periodical revision the switching device´s condition, or
after the occurrence the following events:
- after 500 mechanical C-O operations
- when the permitted temperatures the current-carrying path the disconnector have been
- after achieving the limit number operations the mechanical service life, i.01/2017
75°C kontakt
90°C přívodní šroubové svorky
Tyto hodnoty jsou mezní hodnoty pro nepokovenou měď. lubrication plan with detailed
lubrication points shown appendix this accompanying documentation.
Výrobce zařízení IVEP,a.s. there certainty about the condition the
disconnector recommended carry out several no-load switching operations the disconnector and, if
need be, diagnose the condition contacts operation (thermal imaging camera), and measure the
temperature (temperature rise) the disconnector´s main (power) electric circuits.
- status check main bearings the disconnector shaft, status check bearings the knife
contacts, journals the leverage leading the auxiliary switch. The objective the inspection are mainly verification the
defect-free condition the supporting insulators and also checking and re-tightening connecting bolts on
the main busbars for preventing transferring loses.PD.e. Check measurement resistances (voltage drops). regards the
. short circuit. 000 C-O
switching cycles
Recommended diagnostic measurements switching devices no-voltage condition:
- resistance (voltage drop) measurement the disconnector´s main (power) circuit.
An extraordinary visual inspection recommended carried out disconnectors having passed
through increased stress, i.
Mechanical service life the QAS switching devices, default, 000 mechanical C-O operations. případě vyhovujícího stavu ozubení převodovky přemazat. Zařízení navrženo, výroby smontováno seřízeno tak, jeho technické
parametry jsou zaručeny celou dobu životnosti při dodržení systému údržby stanoveného
Note: Measurements using thermal imaging camera are recommended carried out not only after a
short-circuit, but also least once year disconnectors normal operation.
- provést kontrolu stavu převodovek HF, RL, RCV, posoudit stav čelního, kuželového šroubového
převodu. důrazně nedoporučuje demontovat svépomoci jakkoli upravovat hlavní
součásti odpojovačů.e.
Servicing works are conducted the switching device its no-voltage condition, the scope follows:
- cleaning the whole space the disconnector from dust and other contaminants
- checking the condition insulators; cleaning insulators
- visual inspection contact springs
- status check the main contact cylinder, removal old grease and deposited contaminants,
application layer "Barrierta 55/" grease (manufactured Klüber Lubrikation, Germany) onto
the contact cylinder. order to
provide for high operational reliability the device recommend subject the switching device regularly
to visual inspections (at least once year)