Projektová studie systémů komunikace pro světelnou pohodu v budovách

| Kategorie: Diplomové, bakalářské práce  |

Cílem této diplomové práce je seznámení se s inteligentními systémy ovládajícími světelnou soustavu budovy a následný návrh projektové studie využívající jednu z popsaných technologií. Teoretická část se zabývá obecným přehledem prvků využívaných inteligentními elektroinstalacemi, popisem topologií zapojení a metodami datového přenosu. Dále jsou zde rozebrány požadavky na osvětlovací soustavu a všeobecné postupy při projektování osvětlovacího systému. Závěr teoretické části tvoří rozbor tří vybraných komunikačních systémů.

Pro: Neurčeno
Vydal: Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně Autor: Lukáš Konečný

Strana 75 z 84

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Poznámky redaktora
This chapter there give idea about the functioning principles of the control system. . The practical part includes project feasibility study lighting control system the newly built single-storey house. The last chapter deals with the analysis three selected communication systems. Finally, evaluates the energy intensity proposed lighting system which achieves 1200kWh per year. Based the measured light intensity and amount movement detection system decides the level artificial light and the position the blinds.UTB Zlíně, Fakulta aplikované informatiky 74 ZÁVĚR ANGLIČTINĚ The thesis was focused the issues building’s lighting control systems order to maintain lightning comfort. The paper describes the functional structure of the system dealing with the controls and the technical structure address its functionality. In the theoretical part there are described ways communication centralized and decentralized systems, there are also discussed the various elements needed for the functionality the intelligent electrical wiring, which are the central unit, system unit, sensors and actuators. There are two open decentralized systems KNX EIB and LonWorks and one closed centralized system iNELS. Based the selected plan, first performed simulation selected luminaires DIALux, thanks which I could identify the correct number and layout the rooms. The goal was design modern lighting system with low energy, so took advantage LED lighting, which nowadays becoming trend. These rules must defined advance using the programming environment INELS Designer Manager. There also described the structure participation, process of communication and supported transmission media. Another chapter theoretical part deals with the procedures for designing systems and requirements for artificial lighting draft, there are discussed various parameters artificial light sources and energy saving measures such checking for the presence people the maximum use daylight. The actual design the system is then conducted the basis predetermined requirements. Next chapter addressing the actual data transmission in communication systems