Produktový katalog svítidel HELIO 2019-20

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Vydal: HELIO, spol. s r.o.

Strana 129 z 218

Poznámky redaktora
07 600x600 606x606 35+20 6469 3000 Satine FIX 6882 4000 ADJUST 08 70+35 13372 DALI 14226 1-10V 56 900x900 906x906 70+35 10668 DALI 1 11349 SWITCH 1 09 105+35 13913 lm 14801 lm 57 1200x1200 1206x1206 105+35 13947 lm 14838 lm 11 140+70 20860 lm 22192 lm 55 600x600 606x606 35+20 6229 3000 Microprism 6627 4000 80 08 70+35 12877 lm 13699 lm 56 900x900 906x906 70+35 13002 lm 13832 lm 09 105+35 16956 lm 18038 lm 57 1200x1200 1206x1206 105+35 16999 lm 18084 lm 11 140+70 25424 lm 27047 lm 1 not for 600x600 35+20W, 900x900 70+35W, 1200x1200 105+35W For more detailed technical specification and the full list all variations please see page 256-258.|3 0|3 0.07 600x600 606x606 35+20 6469 3000 Satine FIX 6882 4000 ADJUST 08 70+35 13372 DALI 14226 1-10V 56 900x900 906x906 70+35 10668 DALI 1 11349 SWITCH 1 09 105+35 13913 lm 14801 lm 57 1200x1200 1206x1206 105+35 13947 lm 14838 lm 11 140+70 20860 lm 22192 lm 55 600x600 606x606 35+20 6229 3000 Microprism 6627 4000 80 08 70+35 12877 lm 13699 lm 56 900x900 906x906 70+35 13002 lm 13832 lm 09 105+35 16956 lm 18038 lm 57 1200x1200 1206x1206 105+35 16999 lm 18084 lm 11 140+70 25424 lm 27047 lm 1 not for 600x600 35+20W, 900x900 70+35 1200x1200 105+35W 111 Code ordering example 7|5 3.|0 2|0 (Multiline 111 Q-S 400x400 3760 lm| 3000 Ra80 Satine ADJUST) MULTILINE 111 Q-S (suspended direct) Product code Module code Dimension Power code Product Lumen CCT CRI code Diffuser Driver Multiline 111 Q-S 100.|0 2|0 (Multiline Q-S 600x600 35+20 6469 lm| 3000 Ra80 Satine ADJUST) MULTILINE Q-S (suspended direct/indirect) Product code Module code Dimension Power code Product Lumen CCT CRI code Diffuser Driver Multiline Q-S 114.|0 2|0 (Multiline 111 Q-S 600x600 35+20 6469 lm| 3000 Ra80 Satine ADJUST) MULTILINE 111 Q-S (suspended direct/indirect) Product code Module code Dimension Power code Product Lumen CCT CRI code Diffuser Driver Multiline 111 Q-S 112.07 400x400 406x406 3760 3000 Satine FIX 4000 4000 ADJUST 03 4501 DALI 4788 1-10V 55 600x600 606x606 4600 DALI 1 4894 SWITCH 1 07 8480 lm 9022 lm 56 900x900 906x906 7129 lm 7584 lm 08 105 10566 lm 11240 lm 57 1200x1200 1206x1206 105 10693 lm 11376 lm 09 140 13401 lm 14257 lm 54 400x400 406x406 3624 3000 Microprism 3852 4000 80 03 4334 lm 4611 lm 55 600x600 606x606 4430 lm 4713 lm 07 8166 lm 8688 lm 56 900x900 906x906 8688 lm 9243 lm 08 105 12877 lm 13699 lm 57 1200x1200 1206x1206 105 13033 lm 13865 lm 09 140 16333 lm 17375 lm 1 not for 400x400 20W, 600x600 35W, 900x900 70W, 1200x1200 105 W 80 Code ordering example 7|5 4.07 400x400 406x406 3760 3000 Satine FIX 4000 4000 ADJUST 03 4501 DALI 4788 1-10V 55 600x600 606x606 4600 DALI 1 4894 SWITCH 1 07 8480 lm 9022 lm 56 900x900 906x906 7129 lm 7584 lm 08 105 10566 lm 11240 lm 57 1200x1200 1206x1206 105 10693 lm 11376 lm 09 140 13401 lm 14257 lm 54 400x400 406x406 3621 3000 Microprism 3852 4000 80 03 4334 lm 4611 lm 55 600x600 606x606 4430 lm 4713 lm 07 8166 lm 8688 lm 56 900x900 906x906 8688 lm 9243 lm 08 105 12877 lm 13699 lm 57 1200x1200 1206x1206 105 13033 lm 13865 lm 09 140 16333 lm 17375 lm 1 not for 400x400 25W Multiline . Code ordering example 7|5 4.|0 1|3 0.255 HELIO 2019 254 / Code ordering example 7|5 5.|0 1|3 0. The luminaires are available colours from RAL colour chart; other RAL colours are available upon request.|0 2|0 (Multiline Q-S 400x400 2191 lm| 3000 Ra80 Satine ADJUST) MULTILINE Q-S (suspended direct) Product code Module code Dimension Power code Product Lumen CCT CRI code Diffuser Driver Multiline Q-S 102.|3 0|3 0