Product portfolio ZG 2019-20

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Vydal: ZG Lighting Czech Republic s.r.o

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As track-mounted version, the liteCarve® spotlight provides additional flexibility due the lighting head that can pivoted downwards through 40°.50 liteCarve® Reflector technology incorporated the INTRO system The freeform reflector provides highly precise and balanced light distribution, right the peripheries. The reflector fitted front LED point light source and directs the light, 100% indirectly, onto the vertical sur­ faces targeted manner. This means that not only displays can illuminated uniformly and efficiently but also shelves, large-format posters, recesses wall areas that need highlighted. LED Light exit area Freeform reflector  BMW Gregoir, Puurs BE Architecture: Lecharny Bertrand Architects, Wilrijk BE Lighting solution: INTRO SLOTLIGHT LED, PANOS evolution, PANOS infinity, DIAMO LED, TECTON LED, VIVO LED, PURESIGN, RESCLITE, LITECOM, Thorn Aquaforce II INTRO liteCarve® W INTRO liteCarve® installed track