Product portfolio ZG 2019-20

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Vydal: ZG Lighting Czech Republic s.r.o

Strana 140 z 272

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Thanks special lens, the ceiling uniformly brightened indirect light distribution. Thanks a central part from which light emitted down- wards, the luminaire meets the highest demands regard­ ing contrast rendition, even where placed direct­ ly above the workstation; avoids annoying reflec­ tions glossy surfaces and therefore ideally suited for working tablet PCs. .138 LINCOR Luminaire range The matt Comfort cell makes direct light safely visi- ble. Thus, LINCOR provides optimum glare control and lets the light flow into the room from hidden source. LED minicells Comfort LED minicells Darklight LRO CRF In contrast, the highly specular darklight cell hides the direct light component. The most recent addition the versatile LINCOR product range double-length pendant LED lumi- naire focusing superior lighting quality without reflect­­ ed glare. Thanks the luminaire-reducing optic, LINCOR can used even more flexibly: harsh shadows in task areas and annoying reflections are effectively reduced prismatic lighting technology. LINCOR CRF provides indirect and direct lighting however, the latter only from the laterally arranged light emitting areas. LINCOR CRF available with matt Comfort optic highly specular Darklight optic, and with colour temperature either 3000 or 4000 K. The luminaire appears uniformly illuminated light line enhancing architec­ tural structures opti- mum effect