Poznámky redaktora
escape 90° ideal for shops and retail where side
and shelf aisles must illuminated simultaneously.
RESCLITE PRO escape wall
The hardly visible recessed wall luminaire perfectly
suited inconspicuously illuminate escape routes in
stairwells high-ceiling rooms. addition the IP65-
luminaire for more demanding surroundings, there is
also aesthetically pleasing surface-mounted ver-
sion with protection class IP40.256
RESCLITE PRO escape 90°
The innovative 90-degree optics direct the light
around the corner. Optionally, small
frame makes square version from the round re-
cessed luminaire. Thus, single luminaire suffi-
cient illuminate two corridors right angles.
RESCLITE PRO escape high ceilings (HC)
High-ceiling rooms, such shelf aisles logistics,
are ideally prepared for emergency with the es-
cape route luminaire.
With the high-performance variant, the number of
luminaires can reduced furthermore. Luminaire spacing m
can achieved with the high-performance version.
Due the unique lens technology, very long escape
routes are illuminated with only few light points.
Guides your way
With its battery heating and sturdy materials,
RESCLITE PROtect ideal for outdoor areas and
cold storage rooms.
At the same time, the new type crystal-clear
lenses frees each escape route luminaire from dis-
turbing reflectors. Thanks state-of-the-art lens
technology, installation heights are
perfectly covered with surface-mounted lumi-
naire modules that can easily clicked into the
TECTON and TRINOS trunking systems