Product portfolio ZG 2019-20

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Vydal: ZG Lighting Czech Republic s.r.o

Strana 216 z 272

Poznámky redaktora
SUPERSYSTEM outdoor includes both vertical well horizontal areas in the lighting concept the spatial structure can thus also experienced night. Conventional street lighting Street lighting with SUPERSYSTEM outdoor . However, this not sufficient design an outdoor area impressively.214  Municipality Lech Arlberg, Lech Arlberg AT Lighting project design: Dieter Bartenbach, Innsbruck AT Electrical installation: Elektro Müller, Landeck AT Lighting solution: SUPERSYSTEM outdoor mast and façade luminaire, situation-specific with pre-assembled LED tubes, central Zumtobel outdoor lighting management system with web interface Lighting that makes area effective Conventional street lights primarily brighten horizon- tal areas. Unique visual comfort is produced division the amount light: Light emitted from multiple tubes prevents too high light pressure, limits the glare and distinguishes the lumi- naire visually restraining lighting tool