Product portfolio ZG 2019-20

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Vydal: ZG Lighting Czech Republic s.r.o

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The partly transparent, chrome- or bronze-plated luminaire units with dia- metres 170 mm, 250 and 500 are exceptionally attractive, both individual luminaires and luminaire groups. SCONFINE Sfera LED The spherical SCONFINE Sfera pendant luminaire creates impressive, decorative accents with interplay light and shadow in hotel lobbies well shops, foyers or mansions.147 SCONFINE Sfera Spherical pendant luminaires, apparently weightless and floating SCONFINE Sfera range spherical pendant luminaires with partly transparent chrome bronze coating, with the lamps of the LED module visibly located the luminaire . An opal inner sphere (accessory) ensures optimum glare control conjunction with the chrome coating enhancing the impression of plasticity and room depth. They provide both direct radiation into the area required and reflection inside the luminaire unit, making appear float. Design: Matteo Thun zumtobel