Product portfolio ZG 2019-20

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Vydal: ZG Lighting Czech Republic s.r.o

Strana 113 z 272

Poznámky redaktora
111 litePrint® In case light injected laterally, the precisely calculated dot matrix the litePrint® light guide ensures uniform illumina­ tion the complete luminaire surface. LIGHT FIELDS evolution LIGHT FIELDS evolution surface-mounted pendant luminaire luminaire Distribution characteristics Direct  Indirect/direct  Colour White  Silver  Aluminium  Brown  Black  Installation Cluster  Continuous-row system  Dimensions 324 324  636 636  1218 268  1518 268  LED 1500 3000 Ra80  3600 3000 Ra80  4200 3000 Ra80  4400 3000 Ra80  5200 3000 Ra80  1600 4000 Ra80  3800 4000 Ra80  4600 4000 Ra80  5600 4000 Ra80  4200 2700–6500 Ra90  4800 2700–6500 Ra90. the same time, precisely defined light component directed upwards in specific regions, via openings the luminaire housing. additional LED modules are required for the 5–20 percent indirect component