Product portfolio ZG 2019-20

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Vydal: ZG Lighting Czech Republic s.r.o

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Suspended from the ceiling, the LIGHT FIELDS evolution pendant luminaire cannot fail to impress account the perfect interplay of indirect and direct LIGHT FIELDS evolution Complete range LED luminaires for integral office lighting Structural conditions offices, for instance low ceiling heights, frequently pose chal- lenge lighting. Its indirect light component percent ensures perfect quality: the ceiling brightened pleasantly, the gentle transition between the luminaire and the background providing good ergo- nomic compatibility. Its large direct light component percent provides sufficient vertical illumination while significantly reduc- ing energy consumption. The light source, which is fitted with innovative litePrint® waveguide technology (patent pending), remains con- cealed despite its minimum height and deli- cate frame. Featuring slim-line, mini- malist unit made high-grade aluminium, the pendant luminaire can easily integrated into contemporary office interiors.109 zumtobel. This means that the high lumi- nance the individual LED lighting points is resolved perfectly. Design: Chris Redfern, Sottsass Associati * total height luminaire: mm ** except for MINI version . additional indirect light** component percent creates a pleasant lighting corona, making the surface- mounted luminaire appear float below a cushion light. Where neither pendant nor recessed luminaires are option, the prob- lem solved reliably surface-mounted luminaires: thanks innovative litePrint® waveguide technology (patent pending), the surface-mounted luminaire provides clear, uncluttered appearance, with visible height of only millimetres*