Poznámky redaktora
The homogeneous
appearance not disturbed components that stick
out some way. the
reflector inside the luminaire, the wall washer not
recognisable such from the outside. Aligned suit the most com-
mon blackboard formats, this wallwasher measures
three four metres length and lights the verti-
cal board area with 500 and uniformity 0. The brilliantly appear-
ing luminaire ideal for offices, schools and meeting
SLOTLIGHT infinity
The entire spectrum light
UGR<19 and L65<3000 cd/m²
Installation aid for LED light line
The installation aid for SLOTLIGHT infinity focuses
on consistently precise linearity.
Wall washer for school blackboards
With higher lumen package, the SLOTLIGHT infinity
wallwasher for blackboards the ideal solution for
visual tasks schools.102
The optic SLOTLIGHT infinity supplied con-
tinuous 50-metre diffuser roll for easy installation
of continuous LED light line one person only.7, in
accordance with the standards.
Cover for the office
With this cover, SLOTLIGHT infinity reduces the glare
to UGR and thus ensures workplace lighting in
ce with EN12464:2011. greatly facilitates
the installation SLOTLIGHT infinity ceilings and
walls, even where the luminaires are installed in
Opal cover
The diffuse distribution lens distinguishes a
SLOTLIGHT infinity simple and efficient light line
with homogeneous appearance. The application
area ranges from reception areas, corridors, to
lounge areas and break-out zones.
Decorative wall washer
The asymmetric distribution the SLOTLIGHT infinity
illuminates vertical wall areas pictures evenly and,
as result, enhances traffic zones, for example