Přehledový katalog ELEMAN 2020

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Vydal: ELEMAN spol. s r.o.

Strana 120 z 140

Poznámky redaktora
Design • Made white PVC./ks Ø b 1009979 121 100 137 18 1009987 222 125 122 164 14 1003230 323 150 147 189 8 297 VENTS./ks Ø c 1009983 121-45 100 103 125 129 1 b с a D D1 Koleno kruhové 90° Výkres Obj. • Connecting diameters: 100, 125, 150, 200 mm. Domestic ventilation. • Connecting diameters: 100, 125, 150 mm. Catalogue 09-2015 ROUND PVC DUCTWORK SYSTEM Application • Supply and exhaust ventilation various premises. • Connecting diameters: 100, 125, 150 mm. Domestic ventilation. • Cover the connector with air duct and fix with clamps./ks Ø 1 1001215 497 115 103 105 1 Ø D1 Ø D V 1 v h k t o d k. • Connection flexible round ducts. Application • Formation branch connections supply exhaust ventilation systems located residential, public and other buildings. • Connection same diameter air ducts 90°./ks Ø c 1009982 131 100 173 139 15 1002320 232 125 122 198 164 8 1003330 333 150 147 223 189 8 Odbočka T-kus Materiál PVC Vhodné pro kolmé odbočení kruhového potrubí 297 VENTS. • Connecting diameters: 100, 125, 150, 200 mm. Code Dimensions [mm] а D1 1113 100 103 2123 125 128 3133 150 153 4143 200 204 Code Dimensions [mm] D b 121 100 137 30 222 125 122 164 30 323 150 147 189 30 Code Dimensions [mm] D c 131 100 173 139 232 125 122 198 164 333 150 147 223 189 Round flexible duct connector 90° bend for round ducts T-joint for round ducts a D D1 b a D D1 D1 D1 a c b D D Koleno kruhové 90° Materiál PVC Kulaté koleno pro spojení dvou potrubí Odbočka T-kus Výkres Obj. Application • Supply and exhaust ventilation various premises. Design • Made white plastic. Application • Supply and exhaust ventilation various premises.118 VZDUCHOVODY Zajišťují přívod odvod vzduchu místností Koleno kruhové 45° Materiál PVC Kulaté koleno pro spojení dvou potrubí Koleno kruhové 45° Výkres Obj. • Connecting diameters: 100, 125, 150 mm. Design • Made white PVC. Typ Rozměry (mm) Bal. • Connection same diameter round ducts and integration into complex ventilation systems. Code Dimensions [mm] а D1 1113 100 103 2123 125 128 3133 150 153 4143 200 204 Code Dimensions [mm] D b 121 100 137 30 222 125 122 164 30 323 150 147 189 30 Code Dimensions [mm] D c 131 100 173 139 232 125 122 198 164 333 150 147 223 189 Round flexible duct connector 90° bend for round ducts T-joint for round ducts a D D1 b a D D1 D1 D1 a c b D D Sběrač kondenzátu Materiál PVC Pro potrubí 100 mm Sběrač kondenzátu Výkres Obj. Application • Formation branch connections supply exhaust ventilation systems located residential, public and other buildings. • Connection flexible round ducts. • Cover the connector with air duct and fix with clamps. • Connection same diameter three round ducts 90°. • Connecting diameters: 100, 125, 150 mm. Typ Rozměry (mm) Bal. • Connection same diameter three round ducts 90°. • Connection same diameter round ducts and integration into complex ventilation systems. Design • Made white plastic. Typ Rozměry (mm) Bal. Catalogue 09-2015 ROUND PVC DUCTWORK SYSTEM Application • Supply and exhaust ventilation various premises. Typ Rozměry (mm) Bal. • Connection same diameter air ducts 90°. Design • Made white plastic. Design • Made white plastic