Přehledový katalog ELEMAN 2020

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Vydal: ELEMAN spol. s r.o.

Strana 118 z 140

Poznámky redaktora
Design Code Dimensions [mm] D b 15 103 150 134 25 128 170 154 35 151 204 188 45 204 284 268 Code Dimensions [mm] D а 111 100 62 212 125 123 62 313 150 148 62 414 200 197 62 Wall plate for round ducts Round duct connector b a h D D a D1 Connector th backdraft damper for round ducts Mezikus (spojka) Materiál PVC Propojení kusů, kolen atd. Application • Supply and exhaust ventilation various premises. Code Dimensions [mm] а D1 1113 100 103 2123 125 128 3133 150 153 4143 200 204 Code Dimensions [mm] D b 121 100 137 30 222 125 122 164 30 323 150 147 189 30 Round flexible duct connector 90° bend for round ducts T-joint for round ducts a D D1 b a D D1 Výkres Obj.116 VZDUCHOVODY Zajišťují přívod odvod vzduchu místností Ohebné potrubí ALU Výkres Obj. • Connecting diameters: 100, 125, 150 mm./ks Ø a 1001113 1113 100 103 20 1002123 2123 125 128 15 1003133 3133 150 153 10 Spojka vnitřní Výkres Obj. • Connecting diameters: 100, 125, 150 mm. Design • Made white plastic. Typ Rozměry (mm) Bal. • Connection same diameter air ducts. • Screw fixing wall. • Connection same diameter air ducts. • Cover the connector with air duct and fix with clamps. Design • Made white PVC. Application • Supply and exhaust ventilation various premises. Application • Supply and exhaust ventilation various premises. Typ Rozměry Max. • Connection air ducts ventilation shafts. tlak (Pa) Bal. • Decoration mounting openings./ks Ø (mm) ) 1009950 100/1 102 000 30 1009951 100/3 102 000 90 1009952 100/6 102 000 20 1009953 125/1 127 000 20 1009954 125/3 127 000 56 1009955 125/6 127 000 12 1009958 150/1 152 000 14 1009956 150/3 152 000 42 1009959 150/6 152 000 9 1009957 160/3 162 000 30 1009849 200/3 202 000 22 1009850 250/3 252 000 12 1009851 315/3 317 000 9 Ohebné potrubí POLYVENT Ohebné potrubí ALU Materiál hliník Síla stěny 100 mikronů Teplota -30 +250°C Ohebné potrubí POLYVENT Hliníková fólie tenkou vrstvou polyesteru Spirála ocelového drátu Síla stěny 0,8 1,5 mm Teplota -30 +250°C Výkres Obj. • Connection same diameter air ducts 90°. • Connecting diameters: 100, 125, 150, 200 mm. • Connecting diameters: 100, 125, 150, 200 mm. tlak (Pa) Bal. Application • Formation branch connections supply exhaust ventilation systems located residential, public and other buildings. Design • Made white plastic. • Connection flexible round ducts. Typ Rozměry (mm) Bal. • Designed for direct installation into air duct and equipped with lock ring. • Connection same diameter three round ducts 90°. Typ Rozměry Max. Design • Made white plastic. • Connecting diameters: 100, 125, 150, 200 mm. Spojka vnitřní Materiál PVC Nasazuje dovnitř potrubí . • Connection same diameter round ducts and integration into complex ventilation systems./ks Ø (mm) ) 1009457 605-M0 102 1,5 000 1 1009458 605-M0 102 000 1 1009459 605-M0 102 000 1 1009460 605-M0 127 1,5 000 1 1009461 605-M0 127 000 1 1009462 605-M0 127 000 1 1009463 605-M0 152 1,5 000 1 1009464 605-M0 152 000 1 1009465 605-M0 152 000 1 1009468 605-M0 315 000 1 Mezikus (spojka) ROUND PVC DUCTWORK SYSTEM Application • Supply and exhaust ventilation various premises. Design • Made white plastic./ks Ø a 1001110 111 100 20 1002120 212 125 123 16 1003130 313 150 148 28 1004140 414 200 197 10 ND PVC DUCTWORK SYSTEM Application • Supply and exhaust ventilation various premises