Pojistkové lištové odpínače a pojistkové lišty ABB INLINE (EN+CZ)

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... typy XLBM / XUBM 160...1250A / 400...690V. In Line je nová výrobková řada lištových pojistkových odpínačů a pojistkových lišt pro montáž na ploché přípojnice s roztečí 185mm. Jsou určeny pro nožové pojistkové vložky dle DIN 43620, IEC /EN 60269-2-1 a lze s nimi bezpečně spínat a ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB

Strana 230 z 318

Poznámky redaktora
T rails are te ste IEC .Fuse protection Easy and reliable T rio irc tio reg r­ d xim llo t-o rre (pe let h cu rre and value. link vid st p tio tio high irc it cu rre ts. T ltin rve and rre lim itin fuse links given IEC sta sta ise d fu ris tic and high rre lim ita tio n e sim and ffe ctive tio ith fu links and vice s. Economical installation L ife tim syste are low Fuse links ich can w ith high level and rre are ila at e prices. stre on th and its let h e (i2t) irc it. A link filled ith rtz ill be no issio rcs irc This a gain leads less stre and hig e o rso safety. A fte tio link has . T his ore rta hig lta and tiv e fa levels are. W hen ore nee sta lla tio ore rs can ith tru any n tiv ity lcu tio Fuse links ill ssu tiv ity in th sta lla tio 1,6:1 iffe rate rre t. Fuses fuse n trip ith stre (feeders ins) b ffe cte Fuses vid ctive tio . B links and silyre t d tim and are tia lly ith a fu link syste . B sin cylin are not a ffe rro tin ­ ris tic rem ain sta fte year. F use links vid sim ctin rig ht fu for sta lla tio ith lic tio s o lcu tio ls. Fuse protection Easy and reliable - ica sta lla tio n - Easy and ctivity - need lcu tio ls - need tru re w ore needed - oving rts - xtra tio tim e - ce - issio sse circ its Reaction time Fuse Breaker No moving parts - extra operation time 35 40 35 50 40 63 50 80 63 100 80 125 100 160 125 200 160 250 200 315 250 400 315 500 400 630 500 1,6:1 35A 630 No need for calculation tools - Easy and economical selectivity 50A 4 lim Lin itc Fuse. The lim Line itc fulfil th ire itc ses ith l s itc are ste the EN ith ore strin ire for iso tio aking rfo and ty