Pojistkové lištové odpínače a pojistkové lišty ABB INLINE (EN+CZ)

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... typy XLBM / XUBM 160...1250A / 400...690V. In Line je nová výrobková řada lištových pojistkových odpínačů a pojistkových lišt pro montáž na ploché přípojnice s roztečí 185mm. Jsou určeny pro nožové pojistkové vložky dle DIN 43620, IEC /EN 60269-2-1 a lze s nimi bezpečně spínat a ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB

Strana 221 z 318

Poznámky redaktora
For Switches OESA250R03/_400R03 Type Order number Weight [kg] OESAZX1-S2 1SCA022510R8860 1.0 OESAZX1-S7 1SCA022510R9410 1. Ith Type current 23A [A] 690 1000 [A] Order number Weight [kg] 250 250 250 OESA250R03 1SCA022507R0950 7.1 400 280 400 OESA400R03 1SCA022492R2760 8.0 OESAZX1-S14 1SCA022566R3930 1.3 630 400 630 OESA630R03 1SCA022509R0710 16.0 Fuse adapters for OESA 250...0 OESAZX2-S5 1SCA022511R9550 1.0 OESAZX1-S5 1SCA022510R9240 1.0 OESAZX1-S15 1SCA022566R4070 1. Further technical information and accessories, please see our catalogue OS_OESA1GB. Fuse adapters have ordered separately for OESA 250.0 OESAZX1-S4 1SCA022510R9080 1..800, transparent IP20 fuse cover, terminal bolt packing.0 For Switches OESA630R03/_800R03 OESAZX2-S2 1SCA022511R9210 1.Switch fuses for the protection power semiconductors Ordering information OESA 250. Rated operat.0 720 400 800 OESA800R03 1SCA022509R0800 18.800 PowerLine Basic switch fuses OESA 250...0 OESAZX1-S3 1SCA022510R8940 1. The kit suits for all 3-pole switch fuses listed above..0 Fuse shroud extension kit for OESA 250.3 OESAZX 281 ABB Control.0 OESAZX2-S3 1SCA022511R9390 1.0 OESAZX1-S10 1SCA022510R9750 1.800 switch fuses The kit needed when micro switch mounted the top the fuse link.0 OESAZX1-S16 1SCA022566R4150 1... A standard fuse cover can mounted the top the extension kit, thus maintaining IP20 protection even with microswitches.0 OESAZX1-S6 1SCA022510R9320 1.800 switch fuses See selection tables next pages.0 OESAZX1-S12 1SCA022566R3770 1...400 and OHB145J12, for OESA 630.. OESAZX281 1SCA022558R3580 0.0 OESAZX1-S13 1SCA022566R3850 1..800 switch fuses, see selection tables on next pages and ordering information below.800, shaft type OXP12X250 (length 250 mm) for OESA 250.0 OESAZX1-S11 1SCA022513R2730 1...0 OESAZX2-S4 1SCA022511R9470 1..0 OESAZX2-S6 1SCA022566R4230 1.800, 3-pole The basic switch fuse delivery includes: Black IP65 handle with and OFF -indication type OHB125J12 for OESA250.0 OESAZX1-S9 1SCA022510R9670 1..0 OESAZX1-S8 1SCA022510R9590 1