OMNIMATE – Device connectivity and electronics housings

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Weidmüller is a leading international provider of solutions for electrical connectivity,transmission and conditioning of power, signal and data in industrial environments.The company with headquarters in Detmold/Germany develops, produces and sellsproducts in the field of electrical connectivity and electronics all over the world.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmueller

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Poznámky redaktora
3.e.08 7.50 5. 3. Available two widths: 2. marking strips per sheet up poles strips per sheet * more than poles strips per sheet Ordering example Order No.5 15/5.08 1-15 20 characters 1-15 horizontal printing 5.5 strip width Printed strips KSW Pitch Char.62 mm 1–8 1700660001 1630100001 – 1–12 – 1–16 1652260001 1630070001 1713970001 – 1–24* 1652250001 1713980001 1713990001 – Blank strips Length strip 50 100 150 mm KSW 1629970000 1629990000 1630010000 KSW 2.5 Pitch Char. The white, self-adhesive strips are made from non-PVC, environmentally friendly material. bonding temperature °C Flammability self-extinguishing after s No.16 D . These marking strips provide individual printing, i.0 mm.5 and 4.Identification systems KSW KSW 2.00 5. 1630060001 KSW 2.00 5. Please ask for details.08 7. are suitable for every pitch.50 5.5 1629960000 1629980000 1630000000 Custom printing specification Length strip 50 100 150 mm KSW 1629910000 1629930000 1629950000 KSW 2.62 mm 1–8 1630190001 1700670001 1630200001 1700680001 1–12 1652270001 1–16 1630150001 1700700001 1630160001 – 1–24* 1640410001 1700710001 1630180001 – KSW 2.08 pitch 15 poles 2.5 Marking strips KSW marking strips are suitable for labelling multi-pole PCB terminals and connectors.5 1629900000 1629920000 1629940000 Direct printing We can also print directly your plug and socket connectors your specification. Technical data Material data Material polyester with white surface Adhesive acrylic base Temperature range –40 +150 °C Min. OMNIMATESignal Accessories D