OMNIMATE – Device connectivity and electronics housings

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Weidmüller is a leading international provider of solutions for electrical connectivity,transmission and conditioning of power, signal and data in industrial environments.The company with headquarters in Detmold/Germany develops, produces and sellsproducts in the field of electrical connectivity and electronics all over the world.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmueller

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Poznámky redaktora
0 0.5 0.Cross-connector Test plug LPA QB Cross-connector P L1 L1+2. 2 5. Ordering data Type Conductor size Qty.0 mm OMNIMATESignal Accessories D.15 D .0 MC Test plug • For conductors 0. • Conductor must soldered contact in test plug.08 LPA QB2 1472200000   5.023" • For distributing potential after installation. PS 2. • Reduces the feasible conductor diameter to the next smaller cross-section.5 0.083" 15. Order No.611" 2. Ordering data Pole Pitch Type Qty.08 LPA QB24 1472600000 PS 2.08 LPA QB17 1584770000 24 5.08 LPA QB4 1472400000 10 5.75 mm2 20 0310000000 Ø 2. Order No.75 mm2 (AWG 18).08 LPA QB3 1472300000 4 5.08 LPA QB10 1472500000 17 5.6 0.315" 0.1 L1+0.098" 8 0. • Gold-plated lantern-type contact. • Not suitable for use with tension clamp spring connection