Návrh zabezpečení slaboproudých zařízení proti účinkům přepětí

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Diplomová práce řeší problematiku ochrany slaboproudých zařízení před přepětím. Úvodní část obsahuje analýzu právních a technických předpisů. Tato analýza je doplněna rozborem zdrojů přepětí. Další část předloţené diplomové práce řeší systémy ochrany před přepětím. Stěţejní výstup představuje návrh ochranného systému k omezení přepětí. V závěru jsou uvedeny informace o vývojových trendech v oblasti ochrany před přepětím.

Vydal: Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně Autor: Rudolf Slezák

Strana 80 z 87

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Poznámky redaktora
r. The implementation the decree specifies 268/2009Sb. From the architectonical point view, the number leads was enlarged comparision with the calculation four leads. . 2. The characteristics further identifies electrical switchboards, which carry out power lines the building.03 from OEZ s. These technical requirements work different physical principles. The proposal for the protection low voltage equipment against over voltage was chosen to model two-storey office building. These distributions are used for the power supply connector circuits, equipment, instrumentation and control, EPS and ELECTRONIC SECURITY. These physical principles are used for various purposes the over-voltage limitation. Although Czech law legislation standards are not binding, the law made mandatory.UTB Zlíně, Fakulta aplikované informatiky, 2013 80 ZÁVĚR ANGLIČTINĚ Proposing security low voltage equipment against over voltage was preceded by familiarization with legal and technical requirements for equipment protection against over voltage. the area technical requirements, was necessary get acquainted with Czech technical standards. Prozik 1. The object classed LPS III.o. The output object that all calculated risks are lower than the set limit values and, therefore, the object sufficiently protected against power surges caused lightning strike. The law No. was chosen basic rod.183/2006Sb., technical requirements for buildings and states where necessary to set protection against lightning and surges. technical requirements for products was made. The calculation was made away from the inner lightning rod system metal components and electrical wiring. Letohrad was used evaluate risk and establish necessary levels lighting protection computer programme. first, the analysis legal requirements and law 22/1997 Coll. External lightning protection system made interception system, system of downspouts and grounding system., territorial planning and building regulations very important. Interception lattice system created the roof. In the characteristics building dimensions the buildings, the material shell the building and the roof, engineering networks entering the object. After the analysis legislative and technical requirements, the technical means limit effects the surge were made. When entering data, the characteristic the building was used. Design protection carried out according to recommendations the LPS system design flowchart according ČSN 62305-3 ed