METRIX - Měřicí přístroje

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Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.

Vydal: GHV Trading, spol. s r.o. Autor: GHV Trading

Strana 93 z 136

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Poznámky redaktora
(«iM I i.) data sorting are available optimize recording and storage the measurements *J Nmb 31* V<es;e rapde t Aucurw CHI 0.C03 m.15 h»p //PCName QK Quitter Detailed product brochures can downloaded from www.<YH.| I &JGE4D itota ruuL-xi 111021 killMU 1I»JJ #.COG a QnX.ACCESSORIES * for Multimeters SOFTWARE SX-DMM the quantities measured can assigned mathematical functions (y=ax+b, y=aLog(x)+b, etc.a212.?xn 9 3UMDB1 • tomc&ssoi IIMOHODI 12lUKODM II >100001 U .0000 CapacHe ďeraepftrement 00 í~~ Duée <femegi;t»e>nenl ay Qutter CiTVt 2 CHI Modede dftctondiernerti 2 S*ui SrJtXrrM.'ItW JJI » J10Í.) r >11 >1ii <j Type fonelion Umé dei c Canal 1: : o*»t 1030 41.%€-» nars 9ea« 1I®3> rncMD I « I l'ja « I 60DC*0D •1 a II^JJi » 1 IJ0C40 CHHUMK(« S.l«X*OD HX«JU Í->01*00 l*XOQ ’ *00 ’ TTWTl 'XÍ-OC not*® ’ i«*oc »«*-» »ICtHB >,«*ao c \sxdmm Fcudk iixdrawnOI xts Message Parcoui jíl J 1KJt-XJř»«0 V'tt *oo t«ncw EkuM** Ouritet by transforming the SX-DMM application into Web server, you can control and monitor acquisition from a remote via Ethernet network.metrix.OOO H rál 7- - w §t j. : 20Q H?/íMAelřrf mom L011_S«wjw»*<w-CL 5 DM Tt*-W»553l l l • simple, automated data export into EXCEL provided integrated macro-function allowing various types of processing, calculations and specific graphic formatting, required the user according the current application A — tj -*•— t G3 ;s U SX-DM EXCEL Répertoee *v«l I :•10/3001 I HAUOM j jiAunn t ;i«/jooi i ’1WZXJ1 i ilOVXOI t )tx4.he«tr i.10E*<» l.H3t«CD VOř-OO C>Ot_i * %jot-JO iidt-uo • i.i * I ’K-3’ l,iK«Of i,««0* i. You can also choose: -the page refresh rate -the maximum number simultaneous connections. FActif Inactif Pétiode mise |our |min| 1 «9 Nombre maximum connexions 5 ou L ’adtesse setveui es* h«p. then pos­ sible view the SX-DMM window via the local net­ work with the browser your choice.i Canal iflNi i i 1m i * «iom QK 3 [Outlei □ numerous parameters concerning acquisition (normal interval and fast speed according events), triggering (on thresholds, windows, times, etc.4* i.X)C ÍI.«o- CH»(1j *w.W mn n 17Httfl001 ••Mwyioi nmcsooi 30;tan)i a;-i«/3ooi n jiowow ~PMM C*t1(A#.a s A OŮPOO 1 n <»:«:« Card 3: 3 IdM Í.♦Jt-a* 1.i««r IJ •O' IJBf«0* iJtt-J-'AX-O' l,4Jf«0’ I4JP«T 14**01 1,43**0* .’CC-O) ut*aj (K<D Oř*flD a -od IJtHI) 0C«0O OCHS «*» «*ao 0ř«fln ue-<ju oc-n Of-on Cř<on « -m ««0D VOF«OD i/Ot-OJ S.4**0» i