It possible mix multimeter types within an
j\ Loninujmcatton
P Canal MX58/59 HD
P Canal MTX3281 3282 3283
P Canal qMTX3250
P Canal ASYC1I •MX554/556 •MX26
oy Qutter
This software can used acquire,
view real time, record and process
measurements from multimeters
for Multimeters
The data acquisition software for Metrix multimeters
This software can used build data acquisition system coupling remote-
controllable Metrix multimeters (on-site benchtop multimeters).i ti
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Canal Tem*on 500mV ”
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CjTvil* T^jniori Aiin Fijrtg* ic«: ?BGC
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List remote-controllable multimeters:
- MX26
- MX53, MX54, MX55, MX56, MX57, MX58, MX59
- MTX3281, MTX3282, MTX3283
- MX554, MX556
- MTX3250
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Each channel assigned instrument and series
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0 . Different types of
measurements can also mixed
according the multimeter used.
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