METRIX - Měřicí přístroje

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Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.

Vydal: GHV Trading, spol. s r.o. Autor: GHV Trading

Strana 78 z 136

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Poznámky redaktora
001 MHz (GX310) 20 MHz (GX320) DDS technology with frequency accuracy +/-20 ppm Adjustment stable frequency the nearest digit “Logical signal” function for direct adjustment the high and low levels (TTL, CMOS, etc.) 100 MHz frequency meter, 300V CAT 1 Versions programmable via USB link with the standard SCPI protocol AM /FM modulation (GX320) GATE, BURST, FSK and PSK functions (GX320) Storage complete instrument configurations (GX320) A specific innovative function: Adjustable-phase synchronisation several generators cascade arrangement (GX320) If necessary, possible set several 320 generators cascade arrangement. also supplies the synchronizing pulse start all the instruments simultaneously. A first 320, used the "Master", provides the other "Slave" instruments with the clock used generate the signals. Frequency range from 0. Vert Décl Horiz Affich Mesure Mémoire Util ? i V : : ' I 200ms - IM 1 Auto RUN 16:00 Example simulation three-phase signal Channel master °) Channel slave1 (120°) Channel slave2 (-120°) Example simulated Fourier synthesis Synchronization the generators (3 this example) allows simulated synthesis square signal from its primary harmonics. this way, the phase shift each signal is controlled. GX 0 a S 'v' a H G3 EZ9 icnnn _IJ UKHc — oifi•- cac• a m j GX 320 Master GX 320 Slave 1 GX 320 EsclaveSlave 2 Synchronization severalgenerators cascade arrangement The "SYNC" function the 320 allows several generators to be set cascade arrangement make variable-phase multiple-signal generator.).00ms 4 I >FT J Décl STOP _LlL 12:42 umlmx- . A Vert Décl Horiz Affich Mesure Mémoire Util ? M M 5. addition, the generators can simul­ taneously display all the parameter settings (VDC, VRMS or VPP, waveform, etc.GENERATORS Low-frequency Generators DDS Function Generators GX 310, 320 Tíu3ČÍK- Multi-function, stand-alone, innovative laboratory generators-testers! Ergonomics: uniquely easy read! The generators have large LCD screen (125 mm) offering exceptionally easy reading thanks the main display's 5 digits high