METRIX - Měřicí přístroje

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Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.

Vydal: GHV Trading, spol. s r.o. Autor: GHV Trading

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Poznámky redaktora
mainly depends the quality the oscillator used, for which short-term and long-term stabilities are defined, expressed in ppm (parts per million). It expressed digits and its absolute value depends on the frequency range used. For the GX320, for example: 5-digit resolution MHz corresponds kHz increment.igp B oirÁ fm □ tio n Moco ation de I litu 0 Mocn ation de I litu SO M tion de frequence li'Iw ilflfflftílt. For example, for the GX320: +/- 20ppm when F>10 kHz SWEEP function: The "SWEEP" function can used generate a frequency sweep rising falling mode. V' BURST function The BURST function can used generate pulse trains: users define the train generation period and the number of pulses the train. Frequency accuracy: This corresponds the difference between the true value of the signal's frequency and the value displayed.metrix. This sweep can be controlled the generator according linear or logarithmic law the basis external sawtooth or triangular signal applied via dedicated BNC connection. The minimum frequency, which may just few mHz, is used simulate slow phenomena (mechanical physical) or control slaving (for example, triangular step profile). ÍULNum nombre compulsions Time période génération GATE function: This superimposes over the current function start/stop command for the component the MAIN OUT signal. This frequency range defined for sinusoidal waveform. The generator used the "Master" supplies the other "Slave" instruments with the clock (Clk) and synchronization signal (Ctrl). Types modulation: AM: Amplitude Modulation FM: Frequency Modulation FSK function: Frequency SKip controlled internally or externally. Atflrh./ GENERATORS Theoretical Introduction: Introduction domaine Generator Definitions: Signal waveforms The generator can typically generate sine, triangle and square waveforms, well their usual derivatives. Note: for triangular square waveforms, smaller frequency range usually specified. Frequency range (expressed Hertz (Hz): This the difference between the minimum frequency and maximum frequency that the generator capable of |n . Resolution: This the smallest measurable value difference. This enables all the generators start the same time and allows users control their phase offset. PSK function: Value "Phase SKip" controlled internal or external command signal. It also provides means generating signal with very large duty cycle briefpulse with long repetition period). This function can controlled internally TTL signal injected dedicated BNC connection MASTER/SLAVE function: This can used synchronize several 320s set in a "cascade" arrangement. Afasrer « |B J Detailed product brochures can downloaded from www