MEATEST: Uživatelské příručky kalibračních měřidel

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All keys the front panel except the LOCAL key are disabled. [STATus]: OPER:EVEN? Description: This query command returns the content Operational Data Event register. Table XIII give summary the Calibrator’s STATUS commands. [STATus]: OPER:ENAB? <DNPD> Description: This command enables bits the Operational Data Enable register. Selected bits are summarized bit (OSS) the IEEE 488. [STATus]: QUES:ENAB? <DNPD> Description: This command enables bits the Questionable Data Enable register.2 Status Byte register. It’s decimal value corresponds the binary-weighted sum of all bits set the register. s. User Manual v16 49 . Register not cleared after this query.r. This command returns the calibrator the local mode. Register cleared after this query.o. The Operation and Questionable Event, Enable and Condition registers can be interrogated determine their state. Example: Query: STAT:OPER:ENAB 2 STAT:OPER:ENAB? Sets bit the Operational Data Enable register while all other bits are set 0. This command is used only when controlling the Calibrator through the RS-232 or IEEE-488. The response the query therefore represents instantaneous Snapshot of the register state, the time that the query was accepted. Selected bits are summarized bit (OSS) the IEEE 488.MEATEST. M191 Insulation Tester Calibrator Itis notpossible tosendorreceive data over the RS-232 orIEEE-488 when the calibratoris not inremote mode. [SYSTem]: RWL Description: [SYSTem]: LOC Description: This command sets the Calibrator remote mode for remote control through the RS-232 IEEE-488. Using the STA Tus system This subsystem used enable bits the Operation and Questionable Event registers. [STATus]: QUES:EVEN? Description: This query command returns the content Questionable Data Event register.2 Status Byte register. Register cleared after this query. decimal value which corresponds the binaryweighted sum all bits set the register. decimal value which corresponds the binaryweighted sum all bits set the register. Returns the value the Operational Data Enable register decimal value. [STATus]: OPER:COND? Description: This query command returns the content Operational Condition register. Parameters: <DNPD> Represents the register bits decimal number