MEATEST: Uživatelské příručky kalibračních měřidel

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Vydal: Meatest, spol. s r.o. Autor: MEATEST

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Poznámky redaktora
r. C. F. The sequence parameters t1, t2, and R0, R1, R2, must meet following requirements: • Maximum value time interval t1, t2, lower than 9999 Minimum time period value 1s. M191 Insulation Tester Calibrator________________________________________ MEATEST, s.o.1: a R0:n • 100. OFFposition thestepisignoredduringexecution thesequence. Note: Whensettingtimeperiodand ENTERbuttonorrotarybuttonispushedtwotimes, timeperiod valueissettoOFFposition. When the procedure the end, calibrator stays RUNNING mode until the output terminals are disconnected using OUTPUT ON/OFF button. Write requested time period using the numerical keypad and push ENTER button rotary button to confirm.2^: Fig. Calibrator recognizes level active test voltage and executes the preset time sequence procedure. Real resistance connected the output terminals during RUNNING mode indicated double arrows and by backlighting the step which the calibrator currently in. • Range R0, R1, R2, R3values within and 100 GQ. Calibrator connects first resistance value the output terminals and waiting for test voltage from UUT.8 kU tit Mode: PSP ACCURACY 0.14 RUNNINGmode 24 User Manual . G. D. i 20, 5 MÏÏ RUNNING Local ■ k. t0 s +. Miï Test- voltage* Total tim e: 0. When requested parameters are set up, push the OUTPUT button. Whensettingresistance valueandENTERbuttonorrotarybuttonispushedtwotimes, resistance isset tominimal value 10kQ. Use rotary button select requested time point t1, t2, resistance value R0, R1, R2, R3. 149 10.Select PSP mode pushing repeatedly FUNCTION FUNCTION DOWN button until PSP label appears on the display. E. Push START button UUT. The test voltage must higher than 100 VDC start the RUNNING sequence.HI BliïsFM ÎtCO Grid C4■■ H-»■ ”n ITi R3s 260. Write requested resistance value using the numerical keypad and range buttons kQ, MQ, GO, TO and push ENTER button rotary button confirm