MEATEST: Uživatelské příručky kalibračních měřidel

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Vydal: Meatest, spol. s r.o. Autor: MEATEST

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Poznámky redaktora
The time which has been elapsed after the starting RUNNING sequence. Be aware that the test voltage for high resistance measurements dangerous and can cause electric shock! MEATEST. Use test leads delivered with UUT whenever possible.o.r.Preset resistances R0, R1, R2, which are connected the output terminals time points t0, t1, t2, t3. Use only test leads with guaranteed isolation according test voltage range UUT. Reading currently applied test voltage displayed. Calibrator counts time interval R R RUNNING mode Input terminals switched on. Calibrator counts first time r (n) RUNNIN Input termina switched on._________________________________________M191 Insulation Tester Calibrator Notes: Testleadsdeliveredwiththe calibratorareapprovedforapplication to5kVDC. resistance is Calibrator co interval t2. Calibrator in RUNNING mode until output terminlas are disconnected R y STANDBY mode R1 resistance is selected. s. Time sequence Following drawing shows meaning and way influence the parameters and : RUNNING mode Input terminals switched on. Input terminals are switched on.13 TimesequenceinPSPmode Operating procedure A. unts time f RUNNING mode Input terminals switched on. to RUNNING mode Test voltage from UUT identified. R3 resistance is connected. Calibrator starts to count time t2 t (s) t3 Fig. R0 resistance is connected. - Test voltage. - Accuracy actually connected resistance %. Usetestleadsdeliveredwith UUTsforhighertest voltages. User Manual v16 23 . G mode ls R1 connected. R2 resistance is connected. - Total time. Connect UUT the output terminals