- Test voltage. Use only test leads with guaranteed isolation according test voltage
range UUT.
TypicalshortcurrentofUUTs megaohmmetersisseveralmAmax.
G._________________________________________M191 Insulation Tester Calibrator
4. UUT starts sourceDCcurrent. Use test leads delivered with UUT whenever possible. Sense the capacitance function offer tool for
calibration those megaohmmeters and insulation testers which can measure also capacitance.
Operating procedure
User Manual v16 19
. Switch the UUT output OFF remove test voltage fromthe output terminals.10 High capacitancemode
- Calibration value the selected capacitor
- Vmax. Compare M191 reading UUT specification. terminal connectedto
protection earthpotential.
E. Green LEDstarts light.
M191 starts measure short current. Select requested test voltage level UUT. the output terminals currently connected test voltage
- Accuracy the set capacitance %. Connect output terminals the M191 pushing the button OUTPUT ON.
When HVC mode the display shows information follows:
Whenin SHORTmode, groundingoftheLfrontpanel terminal always set ON. Select resistance range UUT necessary.
I. Connect UUT the output terminals. Calibration value the selected position will appear. Set nominal value the requested capacitor using numerical keyboard and
confirmby ENTERbutton. Maximum allowed test voltage.
The calibrator equipped with capacitors with nominal values 10, 50, 100 nF.
D. Select resistance range UUT necessary.
B.7 HVC High voltage capacitance
In High voltage capacitance function (HVC) the calibrator enables connect the output terminals one three
high voltage capacitors which are built-in the calibrator.o. Maximum test voltage 000
VDC. Select requested test voltage level UUT. Select HVC mode pushing repeatedly FUNCTION FUNCTION DOWN button until HVC label
appears the display. Start UUT measurements, typically pushing ONbutton the UUT.
H. M191 calibrator measures the short current and displays it