MEATEST: Uživatelské příručky kalibračních měřidel

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Vydal: Meatest, spol. s r.o. Autor: MEATEST

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Disconnect M191 output terminals using the button OUTPUT ON.9 SHORT mode - Measured short current mA - Accuracy the measured value %. Switch the UUT output OFF remove test voltage fromthe output terminals. F.o. Green LED starts light. M191 milliampermeter has one range mAwith five-digit resolution this mode. C.5 kQ. Operating procedure A. Use test leads delivered with UUT whenever possible. Select SHORT mode pushing repeatedly FUNCTION FUNCTION DOWN button until SHORT label appears the display. I. Nominal input resistance 2. UUT starts source current.r. 4.6 SHORT Short current mode Short current mode (SHORT) designed enable verification short current capability UUTs - megaohmmeters. Use only test leads with guaranteed isolation according test voltage range UUT. Connect output terminals the M191 pushing the button OUTPUT ON. Activate UUT measurement, typically pushing button the UUT.M191 Insulation Tester Calibrator MEATEST. M191 starts measure short current. E. Connect UUT the output terminals. B. Compare M191 reading UUT specification. D. Be aware that the test voltage for high resistance measurements dangerous and can cause electric shock! Testleads deliveredwiththe calibratorareapprovedforapplication upto5kVDC. s. Usetestleads deliveredwith UUTsforhighertest voltages. M191 calibrator measures the short current and displays it. M191 measures test current sourced UUT under short circuit condition. 18 User Manual . G. Select resistance range UUT necessary. Select requested test voltage level UUT. Display shows information follows: Fig. H