MEATEST: Uživatelské příručky kalibračních měřidel

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Vydal: Meatest, spol. s r.o. Autor: MEATEST

Strana 771 z 1270

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Poznámky redaktora
Safety ensured the design and the use specific component types. Specifiedparameters are only guaranteed after the instrument warms for minutes. This value valid until the user changes it. MEATEST, s.r.Function HVR High resistance source Nominal resistance value 100 MQ Output terminals OFF GPIB address the calibrator factory-preset 24. The manufacturer not liable for the damage caused modification the construction replacement parts with non-original ones.o. Replace the fuse follows: • Switch off the calibrator • Remove the end power cord from the mains connector the rear panel.________________________________________ M191 Insulation Tester Calibrator Earth grounding Fig.6 Safetyprecautions The instrument has been designed Safety Class according 61010-1. 2. 2. • Remove the fuse and replace with new fuse the same rating. User Manual v16. The design reflects the requirements amendment the standard. Rear panel connection Note.4 Warm-up time The calibrator works after switched and the initial checks complete. 2.5 Replacement ffuse The calibrator includes fuse located the mains entry module the rear panel. The calibratorresets toitsreferencestatusin caseofpowerswitchingoff. During this period, theinstrumentshould not be calibrated however enables full access calibration memory. • Insert the blade flat screwdriver into the opening cut the mains voltage selector and pull out the fuse holder