MEATEST: Uživatelské příručky kalibračních měřidel

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Vydal: Meatest, spol. s r.o. Autor: MEATEST

Strana 770 z 1270

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Poznámky redaktora
1.o.1 Inspectingpackage contents, selecting the installation location Basic package includes the following items: • Insulation tester calibrator • Power cord • Operation manual • Test report • Test cable 5000V 20A red 1pc • Test cable 600V 19Ablack 1pc • Green/yellow grounding lead 1pc • RS232 cable • Spare fuse T500L250 1pc • Spare fuse T1L250 1pc Calibrator packed doubled cartoon with sack. Before powering the instruments, place it level surface. • Connect rear panel grounding terminal protection earth the mains. 2.e. not cover the vents the bottom side and the fan opening the rear panel. • Plug one end the power cord into the connector located the rear panel and connect the other end the power cord into wall outlet.r. The calibrator should powered 115 V/230 50/60 mains. resistance range from the calibrator can applied relative humidity RH. The sack contains silica gel bags avoid moisture influence during transport and stocking.2 Ambient conditions The calibrator laboratory instrument whose parameters are guaranteed 23±2 oC. Leave the cartoon with the calibrator for hours room temperature before unpacking, especially during transport the cartoon was exposed temperature lower than °C.Preparation for operation M191 Insulation Tester Calibrator__________________ MEATEST. Accuracy not guaranteed for operation in relative humidity above %RH. • The calibrator performs internal hardware checks for approximately 5seconds. • Connect rear panel grounding post with earthing ground (protection earth) individually using green/yellow grounding lead, see fig. s. • After the tests conclude, the calibrator resets its reference state, i. • Switch the mains switch located the rear panel. Front panel display lit. 2.3 Power-on • Before connecting the calibrator the mains, check the position the mains voltage selector located the rear panel. 2. the followingparameters are set: 6 UserManual . For application full resistance range the relative humidity should not exceed %RH