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his efforts to improve the power source the phonograph, for example, he detailed one man redesign the motor, another get a stronger charge from the battery, and another work the bearings reduce friction. some cases, Edison would frame experimenter's work plan merely giving him a list questions. His associates noted that had knack getting the important issue an experimental project merely asking questions and from his questions would emerge new direction. " ■ * ■ One major advantage the lab's physical structure was that enabled excellent communication between workers, especially the second floor the main building where the experimental rooms were grouped together.III-12 Edison's great strengths the laboratory was his ability to see problem from many different sides. Normal operating procedure West Orange was for Edison to switch his employees from job job, expecting them not only pick the line experiments, but also brief their replacements."^ The physical . The high morale the labor force was an important part their flexibility, for Marshall noted "we were all interested what were doing and what the others were doing. Edison's inventive mind could often see new approaches old problems. Edison encouraged comunication between teams; when particular experiment went well, instructed the experimenter "this answer good that wish you would expand little, as I want pass along the other boys