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Poznámky redaktora
. the balmy days of "research for hire" the laboratory could hired erect an ore milling plant, with capacity 1000 tons day, be 39 completed ninety days. Here was laboratory that could several different experimental directions one time, and usually did! had to be all things all people. was forced serve many different types customers, from reckless venture capitalists to the core corporate America. During the late 1880s the lab was working 70-100 experiments time, some were large and costly like the work phonographs; others small such the experiments preserving meat and fruit. Yet much the effectiveness of the laboratory depended the performance its staff, who needed resourceful and flexible their leader. meet these needs, Edison designed laboratory that could innovate with speed and flexibility, creating structure that facilitated communication and cooperation. boasted that have always got something new underway" and one such project the early years the lab O Q was the kmetoscope.11-24 technological breakthrough the influx funds push their development. The lab provided basic engineering services for the electric light companies in testing and redesigning electrical equipment, and, the other end the spectrum, carried out Edison's flights fancy into flying machines and pyro-magnetic dynamos