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The shop orders for each customer were identified, compiled, and finally bill was sent out the relevant company. This latter arrangement was normally between the lab and one Edison's companies. The lab's services were requisitioned shop orders, each one giving name and number for series of experiments. In times financial hardship, Edison could call the many loans had made other Edison companies. Many the Edison electrical manufacturing companies had been founded with . The shop orders were used for billing purposes. the early days the lab only supplies were added this basic computation but over time methods were devised count in overhead. Several different types financial arrangements were established between the laboratory and the Edison companies: in some cases fixed limit experimental costs was determined for each year operations, others lump sum was appropriated for experiments, and finally experimental account was sometimes established cover continuous research with limit— the company receiving bills regular intervals. Each worker filled time card indicating the number hours spent project, experimental room, and these were used compute the labor cost.1 SIDEBAR 2-1 FINANCIAL PRACTICES THE LAB