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The telegraph industry was Edison's first business involvement. The income the laboratory was not restricted research and development; also earned money from manufacture and repair. Sholes had brought his typewriter Edison and the latter claimed have improved and made into a commercial West Orange laboratory continued the development work the typewriter while Edison contemplated building large factory manufacture improved model. His knowledge the market, and the store of technical expertise the laboratory, made telegraphy an appropriate area launch into. This idea never achieved any .^ The latter was a wireless telegraph system that utilized induction coils to communicate between moving trains and fixed telegraph station. This plan was probably forgotten during the great experimental campaigns the phonograph and nothing came it.11-21 33 possibilities copper smelting with electricity. was major focus of research when the laboratory opened; December 1887 Edison made out list experiments started which included the phonoplex, and "grasshopper" telegraph. The lab serviced and rebuilt office machinery, including the Sholes typewriter and telegraph apparatus. The policy contract research meant that the lab had to be all things all people. devoted several experiments to this problem and claimed that had transmitted messages over air space 580 feet. Edison clearly saw vast market wireless communication over land and sea