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^ The lab performed variety services under contract outside companies. The lab these early years carried out wide range tasks and was truly multipurpose facility. These ranged from continued work on existing technology such telegraphy, financed part by Western Union, surveys into completely new areas.11-20 funding and develop new strategy finance the lab: research for hire. This practice had begun his Newark days, when Edison's workshops carried out diverse mix research, design, manufacturing, and repair services. For example, the lab still carried out research work for A. Much the work the West Orange facility was also carry-over from his activities in Newark and Menlo Park. For example, the Parrot Copper company paid Edison examine the . The overriding goal the research laboratory, in Edison's mind, was make money. His West Orange complex was a commercial undertaking and subsequently Edison used his laboratory generate income any way could, energetically courting many kinds customers for services offered his new laboratory. had put the laboratory work pay its keep, finding many ways making money addition the work of research and development. This business strategy evolved from Edison's need find outside sources finance for the laboratory.B. Dick the mimeograph and the American Bell Telephone Company supported experiments in telephony