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Poznámky redaktora
" The industries conceived were supply small items commerce— "useful things that every man, woman and child wants"— that would sold through network of jobbers. Edison hoped that rapidly heating and cooling these . . one end the spectrum, offered investors shares truly revolutionary new technology, such the process make electricity directly from coal with his pyro-magnetic generator. planned develop small products with high profit potential and low capital requirements; the enormous costs introducing the electric light were still fresh his mind and wanted avoid "cumbersome inventions like the electric light. 25 invention and experiment.11-16 advantage flexible organization: could move quickly into "those industries offer the most promising field for . This invention consisted several metal armatures within field magnets all positioned over a furnace. The lists projects planned undertake at West Orange throws light the research directions his new laboratory and shows the enormous scope his inventive imagination. 27 armatures would produce rotation. Edison's attempts interest investors new technology reveal his ideas about the role R&D the Second Industrial Revolution. It significant that the future innovation, seen by Edison from his vantage point 1887, was not the great systems electrical technology, but consumer durables for a mass market