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The rubber project shows that time had not altered Edison's approach innovation and his inventive style. In 1929 acknowledged that can't get mind off rubber . His staff were directed steady flow written notes. worked with small team experimenters and brought in chemists and botanists when needed. Edison was totally absorbed, some might even say obsessed, with the work. worked rubber extracting machine extract the sap from his specimens. His deafness did not interfere with the management the experimental team, for written communication proved adequate. Edison spent all his time this project, studying botany the house Fort Myers along with his family, examining specimens the special lab built across the street, directing small staff of chemists and botanists the crossbreeding program, and examining the progress the goldenrod plants the gardens. After exhaustive testing, the goldenrod plant was found to offer the most rubber content. Even the men the field were instructed keep constant contact with the West 7 Orange laboratory mail.XIV- 5 The rubber project not only involved finding source rubber but also encompassed the development economical production process. Edison was again his element; had considerable experience chemical engineering and the First World War illustrated how quickly could set chemical plants. Two varieties, solidago rugosa and solidago leavenworthii, were singled out for intensive cultivation and crossbreeding