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(Hundreds of the specimens are still stored with the Edison archives.® Much the testing work was done the laboratory. also had small army of amateurs and professionals the field collecting samples. enthusiastically turned his property Fort Myers into large experimental farm, and proudly showed off his results. Edison began the search for new source rubber with his usual gusto, gathering library of books rubber Fort Myers and planting many different species the gardens around his home. Finally, the project could carried out in the balmy weather Florida. Meanwhile the flow specimens collected well-wishers increased the West Orange laboratory was innundated with plants. In a very short time his assistants had gathered over 3000 examples wild plants and tested them for rubber content. Building was converted receive the incoming flow plants and shrubs gathered from all parts North America. was reported that had 4800 varieties shrubs and trees under cultivation.XIV- 4 empirical approach and combined the adventure the hunt for bamboo filaments with opportunity develop his botanical skills.) . Edison cultivated rubber plants the gardens around his house and also found time develop Fort Myers garden community, planting trees and shrubs the land around his property. built new chemical laboratory across the street from his home and soon filled it C with supplies and equipment