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J. 578. 5) Minutes Executive committee, May 1918, 102 verbatim mi nutes. Hutchison also notes that Edison ’ ’ clipped Charles’ wings.C. Brainerd TAE, Nov 1926 Phono record. 3) Robert Lacey, Ford (Boston: Little Brown, 1986), 268, Chandler, Strategy and Structure, pp.” 17) Maxwell report, 1911 Phono Manu 2.Lepreau quote minutes special meeting Board of TAE inc.” 7) TAE Mambert, Dec 1919, Mambert correspondance; Business Activities Jones, Box 13.80. 128-129 4) TAE Williams, Jan 1921, box bio. . 9) TAE Annotation Mambert’s letter for reference, 1924.FOR CHAPTER THIRTEEN 1) Soloman Fabrleant, The Output Manufacturing Industries (New York: National Bureau Economic Research, 1940), p. 15) Art Walsh Charles Edison, April 1927, phono closing down. 12) F. 10) Minutes Executive committee, Aug 1921, reserve microf iIra 11) Maxwell Edison, Dec 1918, Phono. 6) Hutchison Diary, Jan 1921. 16) Memos 1925 Phono sales about plans get out of Amberola business because ’ ’ heavy losses. 18) H. 2) Mambert memo, Feb 1920, Mambert corres, letter #6966. 14) Stevens Edison, Sept 1918, Blue Books financial cabinet. with executives primary battery division, 9 April 1918, Primary Battery Div Minutes, Vol Edison fund 13) Mambert Correspondence, vol July 1920. 8) John Venable, Out the Shadow, p