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Poznámky redaktora
XIII-25 The basic strategy having five different product lines— storage batteries, primary batteries, cement, and business and amusement phonographs— paid dividends the 1920s. enabled TAE Inc. The personnel office had begin program training apprentices . ^ The 1920s saw the forces change working West Orange. This shift to more capital-intensive mode production had been resisted Edison who was loath spend the money. This had been offset many factories the introduction labor-saving, automatic machinery. The company even managed produce a yearly surplus during the dark days the decline the phonograph. The keenest felt shortage was the skilled mechanics that had staffed Edison's machine shops since the 1870s. This was in direct contradiction his well-publicized support the "Machine Made Freedom" which would follow the automation the work place. Outside work was found for the Phonograph Works to make for the lack phonograph sales, and several new Edison products were manufactured there, including rectifiers, electrical instruments, and dental drills. ride out two business depressions and survive into the 1930s. the end the 1920s there were shortages of skilled labor. Immigrants had provided the bulk the workers the factories around the laboratory. The decreasing rate of immigration into the United States after the War slowly cut down the number immigrants working the Edison industrial complex