Ediphone 991. The decline the phonograph was partly offset the
growing acceptance the Ediphone American offices, as
Table 13-2 indicates. -414. 824. The primary battery
division enjoyed dominant share the market; and, after a
slow start, the storage battery had gained market niche in
industry. 278.
Table 13-2
Sales TAE Inc, $000ths
9 Months ending Sept 1926.
. 1486.
Product Sales Profits
Phonograph (disc) 1157.XIII-24
Although the most profitable division had taken a
beating, the Edison enterprise went forward bolstered the
highly profitable battery operations. 248. The trials and tribulations producing superior
storage battery were finally justified strong sales the
Storage battery 4915.
Cement N/K.
Primary battery 1634. -527.
cylinder 623