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Poznámky redaktora
XIII-20 the 1880s. Maxfield the Western Electric laboratories resulted in the introduction method electrical recording which sound picked with microphone, amplified vacuum tube, and then inscribed the disc with electromagnetic recorder. The development of electrical recording required extensive knowledge of acoustics and electronics— and here the research laboratories of and AT&T had the advantage.P. Then the forces the market took . The Victor company had agreements with AT&T which enabled it take advantage the research being carried out in electrical amplification and acoustics the laboratories of Western Electric. Experiments carried out by J. Initially, Victor was slow see the advantages electrical recording and procrastinated their negotiations with AT&T. No amount inspired advertising innovation was able to wrest sales from the competition while the Edison phonograph technology remained conservative. the time that Edison tried to increase sales improving the tone his disc and developing long-playing record, Victor met the radio challenge head-on adopting system electrical recording— the technology which took the talking machine from the acoustic phonograph the nineteenth century the high fidelity the twentieth. Edison had anticipated electrical recording when stated, 1877, that telephone repeater could used record and reproduce sound