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Poznámky redaktora
In 1924 sales slumped and crisis returned again West Orange." While Edison adamantly refused into radio, his phonograph business rapidly lost its customers. . Yet Charles failed convince his father who declared that not intend making radio sets. posted only small gains.XIII-17 buying books the subject and making experimental 33 apparatus. The amusement phonograph business lost $1,000,000 1924 and 37 the level loss was expected continue." Radio had strong supporter Charles Edison who summoned all the good reasons why Edison should enter the business. The audion acted amplifier and was connected loudspeaker. While many industries began recovery 1923, the phonograph business TAE Inc. Electric recording was second this list, first was want 35 to perfect Super phono. This experimental apparatus obviously had important applications the business and amusement phonograph fields, but remained "experimental proposition" and was not developed further. Edison did not ignore the electrical recording sound, although did take a back seat his life-long quest perfect acoustic recording. 1927 listed his research goals for his son. Holland and Constable obtained one the early audions, very delicate little affair," which they rigged up to disc machine. The cylinder business was very poor as customers deserted the Edison amberola for disc machines