[Illus. Located the east the laboratory, the Works centered
on two large buildings: one was about feet wide and 200 feet
long, and the other was the same width but 400 feet long. Their laboratories were subordinate the
manufacturing process and acted tools corporate policy. The
move West Orange permitted Edison continue this design on
a grand scale: the laboratory was intended the nerve
center massive industrial enterprise. The manufacturing facilities were central to
Edison's plans for the West Orange complex and subsequently
construction the factories began soon the laboratory
complex was finished the spring 1888.II- 3
his laboratory support manufacturing Menlo Park.&T. Here were offices, the assembly and
.T. photograph shows that its
interior was left open, allowing belts and pulleys take
power from the overhead main shaft each machine.
On the other hand, Edison's laboratory was the brain the
organization that controlled production and provided
This conception industrial research was totally
different from the corporate R&D companies like and
A. 2-1, #60466] The shorter building was located next to
the laboratory and contained the many tools used make the
component parts the phonograph. 2-2,
#0-7980] The larger building was divided into rooms separated
by central corridor.
The ground was broken for the Edison Phonograph Works in
May 1888 and the buildings were completed the end the