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Poznámky redaktora
Stewart Constable, Feb 1918, Lab experimental work.Maxwell, Oct 1919, Phonoe, BPWks. 50) G. . 57) Meadowcroft Applegate, Mar 1917, 170122, 471 58) Ryder Shell, Dec 1920, TAE Inc payroll. Povah all Division Managers, April 1919, TAE Inc Engineering test Service dept.W.T. 46) Functions the lab, Oct 1919, TAE Inc organization.39) Notice April 1918, TAE Inc organization. 47) J. Robinson Mambert, Dec 1918, TAE Inc Financial. 48) Lepreau C. File, Lab Financial. Lab Experimental work. 56) Mambert memo, 1920 Doc.S. 60) Kellow memo 1920 Doc. Owen Maxwell, July 1918, Phono manu EPWks. file, TAE Inc. Organization, financial statement. 55) Sloan, Years with GM, 82; Stuart Leslie, Boss Kettering (New York: Columbia Univ Press, 1983), chap 5. 40) Verbatim minutes May 1918, #102 41) Undated copy Engineering Dept, files probably Dec 1919.Wilson, Primary Battery Division Blue Book, memo June 1918. 43) Constable Lukr, Oct 1917, Eng Dept files 44) F. 53) Durand CE, Sept 1918, Phono Ediphone. 51) JPC Kellow, Nov 1917, Eng Dept files. 42) Constable V.W. 52) J. Robinson SM, Dec 1918, TAE Inc Financial. 49) V. 59) Maxwell JPC, February 1920, Constable file Eng Dept files.T. 54) Comments quoted JPC Nov 1919, Eng Dept files; JPC memo, July 1919, TAE Inc organization. 45) Povah Constable, Monthly Record Reports, 1918 0