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Poznámky redaktora
33) Alfred Sloan, Years with General Motors (New York:
Doubeday, 1964), 42.
26) TAE Henry Ford, Aug 1917, box bio. file, TAE Inc Organization.
34) Venable, Out the Shadow, pp.1-34
from Subarin. 248-251.
23) Meadowcroft, Edison’s work during the war, Boxes, Bio
21) Hutchison’s diary notes Edison's growing concern with
shortages chemicals; Leeming dept heads, Aug 1918
tells shortages causing layoffs, 1914 Manu Co
22) Meadowcroft Aston, Feb 1917, 170122, 182;
Vanderbilt, Edison the Chemist,,” NCB Box TAE* War Work.
29) Constable Maxwell, Oct 1919, Phono Phono Wks;
J Constable TAE, Outline Lab’s activities, Nov 1919,
Eng Dept files.
30) Cost sheets, NCB Box 21
31) Mambert Verbatim minutes, 104, Executive Committee
meeting, May 1918.
37) 1920 Doc. Eckert Mambert, July 1919, WWI experimental
38) Memo TAE, April 1918, box ”D”. 78-79.
25) Allen Mambert, Three Years Report, April 1919, TAE inc
27) H.H.
35) Edison Herald, vol.
24) Newspaper cuttings, 1915 Benzol; Meadowcroft Emery, 31
Oct 1916.
32) Three Year Report.
36) Minutes executive commitee, May 1918, verbatim
minutes, #102 vault 33. #2, Feb 1919.
20) TAE Robins, Oct 1916, NCB Box 5.
28) Constable Luhr, Dec 1917, 1918 TAE Inc