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" Instead, trained engineers examined the performance and cost the hair the brushes sold with 62 phonographs. Edison told him repair the old machines and prohibited the purchase new ones. Around the factories, rough and ready community had sprung up, with bars and boarding houses. Its numbers had grown from few hundred men the nineteenth century thousands the twentieth.XII-32 Newark and New York. The focus the West Orange complex and the lab had turned "steady output manufactured articles" and Edison claimed have dept which men are employed perfect inventions. While industrial research laboratories and AT&T spent freely on new scientific equipment, Constable had continually petition the management for new machines. The equipment of the West Orange laboratory had once been the envy other the research institutions, but was the other way around. Weekend nights were punctuated the drunken rowdiness the workers. Long gone were the days experiments into pyro-magnetic generators and flying machines. a result Edison's parsimony, visitors the Edison National Historic Site can view the same machine tools first installed in the lab 1887. 63 . In 1900 there were about 3,000 men, and the time the World War there were about 8,000. tried persuade Edison to buy more modern machinery for the machine shops, arguing that the lab should "the last word high class machine shops." His appeals fell deaf ears